US 290E Manor Expressway Design-Build
Project Owner: CTRMA
Under Design-Build delivery, Manor Expressway was built as an access-controlled, six-lane, 6.2-mile tollway with frontage roads to provide non-tolled access to commercial and residential properties.
The project had an equal or greater level of complexity to this IAH project with 32 bridges, 7 interchanges, 4 stream crossings, multi-level interchange modifications, bike and pedestrian trails, toll gantries and ITS facilities.
Similar to the level of effort envisioned for the IAH effort, the project required major utility coordination relocations, complex sequencing of construction and MOT plans, 141,451 CY of concrete paving, and also included extensive reconstruction of drainage systems, 320,000 SF of retaining walls, 162,000 TNs of asphalt, and 1,537,000 CY of the embankment. The team coordinated extensively with multiple stakeholders including the CTRMA, TxDOT’s Design and Bridge Divisions, the Austin District, FHWA, Travis County, the Cities of Austin and Manor, the Manor ISO, multiple businesses and 20 utility providers for the complex relocation of utilities.
Stakeholder coordination included Fire, police, school districts, and local businesses. The team held weekly meetings for traffic updates and input on traffic operations.